Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Delhi Half Marathon

Hi all,

Sorry for the delayed blog post. I have been busy the past week with some traveling!

I took the night train to and from Delhi (Thursday and Monday nights). I now realize what a great way this is to travel! I was skeptical at first and was lucky because I knew others who were on the same train. Still, both experiences went off without a hitch! I arrived to the stations about one hour before each train, boarded, and set up my bed. In the nicer compartments on the night trains, you get your own bed, clean sheets, a pillow, and a blanket. It’s really great! Then, there is a curtain you can use to make your bed a bit more private. I rode in second class AC on the way to Delhi and first class on the way back based on the ticket availability. I slept like a baby on both trips. I selected the Mussoorie Express train because it’s ten hours. This meant I could get a good night sleep and wake up in a new place. The other option was to take the fast night train, but it is only 5 ½ hours, which is barely enough time to fall asleep. In any case, the train itself is wonderful because it is like being rocked to sleep. It’s sufficiently dark and quiet (in my experience), and lying down is quite a luxury. I fell asleep shortly after boarding both times and woke up at my destination. For all of the inefficiencies in India, train travel is not one of them (thanks to the British).

In Delhi, I met up with a few friends as well as my Fulbright adviser at the economic research institute with which I am affiliated. On Friday, I spent the day with my friend Sohini at the mall in Delhi. This was like going back to the U.S. For lunch, we treated ourselves to Chili’s, a restaurant I usually don’t visit in the U.S. However, it tasted like home to me. I had some delicious quesadillas, black beans, and pico de gallo! It was quite amazing! Although I have been eating well in Mussoorie, I have missed some of these Mexican flavors which remind me of home.

I spent the rest of my time in Delhi with my friend Ashwin (from Xavier), two of his childhood friends, and one of their fathers. We all met in Delhi to participate in the Airtel half marathon. I actually had not intended to run because my foot had been bothering me, and I hadn’t been formally training. After starting the race, I could not help but finish. I planned only to run to India Gate and then call it a day. However, the energy of the thousands of people participating, all the music, and my love of running got the better of me. I had to finish! I completely surprised myself by running the entire race in 2 hours and 22 minutes! Apparently, all of the walking in high altitude in Mussoorie paid off because I set a good pace and did not feel winded throughout the race. I do have to mention that the course was very flat, but I was still excited to have completed my first half marathon! Throughout the race, there was a lot of music being played, water stations, and orange stations (much like races in the U.S.). However, instead of t-shirts which are often given out in the U.S., our goody bags included quite a bit of vitamins, medicine, and energy drinks samples. My favorite freebie was the vitamin sample for seniors. =) We had a really fun time at the race and got to catch up! For my next half marathon, I will make sure to train at high altitudes!

On Monday, I met with my Fulbright adviser who works for the economics research institute with which I am affiliated for my upcoming research. He gave me a lot of really useful advice and some action items to begin right now. My list of things to do keeps getting longer, but I see this as a very good sign! My adviser is going to put me in touch with an institute in Dehradun to help with my survey design. In addition, I am going to start identifying the population with which I will be working so I can select my sample. My official research does not begin until December, but I am going to lay the groundwork now, so that I can get off to a positive start. In our discussion, my adviser highlighted the importance of water management in the Indian Himalayas. The whole country of India relies on the Himalayas as their source of water in some way (through rivers, etc.). Therefore, it’s important to know in particular how climates are changing. For example, over the last four years, Uttarakashi (a district in the state of Uttarakhand) has been experiencing extreme flooding. In mid-August, there was a cloud burst and lots of flooding that killed over 150 people. Another concern he expressed was that rivers in India may become seasonal due to changes in precipitation patterns and melting of the glaciers. All of this is impacted by the construction of roads (through drilling), dams, and other large infrastructure projects which cause micro-climate change to the surrounding regions. India has already seen change in the flow of the Yamuna River which flows behind the Taj Mahal in Agra. When I visited two years ago, the Yamuna River which used to sit as a beautiful backdrop to the Taj was completely dry. This becomes even more complicated for Hindus who conduct their worship in the rivers. Many Hindus have stopped bathing in the sacred waters because of the pollution and reduced flow of the once abundant rivers (River of Love in an Age of Pollution, David Haberman).

It is often disheartening to think of these large problems and feel that there is nothing to be done. However, on Tuesday, I met with HIMCON, the NGO I am working with in Uttarakhand. Through them, I see quite a bit of hope. Their networks are bringing mountain villagers together to discuss the issues of water management. Many of their projects focus on the providing clean drinking water, harvesting rainwater, recharging natural springs, and managing forests. Through their work in villages, they identify the needs of the people involved, empower women to organize in their communities, and help people help themselves. For Gandhi’s birthday (Tuesday, October 2), they held a short program for the community in celebration of their accomplishments and plans for the future. In particular, their small school helps educate the youth of the villages in which they work learn how to care for their resources and develop practical skills. Being with them is quite inspiring.

I came back to Mussoorie on Wednesday just in time for my Hindi classes. I had a great opportunity to use my recently acquired Hindi skills in speaking with the village people who attended the program on Tuesday. However, my interaction showed me that I still have a lot to learn. I am so grateful to have this preparation time during my language studies and am looking forward to working with these communities in the coming months.

Thanks to all of you who have sent me email updates about your own lives and thanks for reading. Stay in touch!


Here I am after the successful completion of the half marathon.

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